20 de setembro de 2015

Emerson Lake and Palmer - Pictures at an Exhibition

Publiquei no Blog Meu Blues Pra Você o comercial do Banco Itaú que conclama o expectador a ser "o herói de uma criança e ler para ela". Na peça publicitária a agência utilizou a música Pictures at an Exhibition, que eu trouxe para o Lobo do Rock. Espero que você curta!

Pictures At An Exhibition 
Greg Lake

Lead me from tortured dreams
Childhood themes of nights alone,
Wipe away endless years,
Childhood tears as dry as stone.

From seeds of confusion,
Illusions darks blossoms have grown.
Even now in furrows of sorrow
The dance still is sung.

My life's course is guided
Decided by limits drawn
On charts of my past days
And pathways since I was born.

I carry the dust of a journey
That cannot be shaken away
It lives deep within me
For I breathe it every day.

You and I are yesterday's answers,
The earth of the past came to flesh,
Eroded by Time's rivers
To the shapes we now possess.

Come share of my breath and my substance,
And mingle our stream and our times.
In bright, infinite moments,
Our reasons are lost in our rhymes.

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